Our Neck of the Woods

In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve got snow.  I so wish we could go sledding but it’s about 25*, with a windchill of about 13* according to weather.com. A bit better than yesterday’s windchill of a measly 4*, but still a bit much for those under 3 I’d think. And the parents that have to accompany them in the great outdoors.

Today has given us a chance to just be lazy together, which is nice. I had to stop myself from declaring another pajama day because personally partaking in pajama days 2 days in a row just feels a bit too lazy. Even for me. 

Jeremy went to find some Xbox Kinect games for us at Blockbuster. Apparently we weren’t the only ones with this idea. There was zero game selection appropriate for children, so Noah has a few new DVD’s to add to his collection, and we have a movie for our date-night-in tonight. (For those of you who missed the Facebook status, the fire-in-the-fireplace-weekend-kick-off, did not so much happen last night.)

While the boys were napping, I got a chance to hop online and educate myself on streaming tv shows, movies (now that we have Xbox), and all things that are required to get rid of cable but still watch the same shows as the rest of modern society. I’m still not completely sure I am ready to take the plunge, but I haven’t completely discounted it either. I’m not big on TV other than (being as honest as Simon Cowell here…) Price Is Right (yes, I know…), the News, and maybe the occasional guilty-pleasure, completely mindless reality show (Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, Giuliana and Bill and let’s not forget American Idol). And, I am breathlessly awaiting the return of Army Wives. Seriously, I miss that show. A little Army Wives and a glass of wine on a Sunday night while the kids are in bed? I see nothing wrong with that.

Perhaps I’ll get a chance to get on Pinterest a little later and get my creativity wheels turning for things for the kids to do this next week. Goodness knows it’s going to be a busy one, though I am looking forward to catching up with some friends. Here’s hoping Jeremy’s work schedule will even out sooner rather than later and maybe we’ll even get a chance to get out of the house, see some friends, and perhaps join in a story time or two. Funny how when he carpooled with his brother to work every day and the car was home with me, I rarely ever used it. Now that he drives to work and I have no car, oh the places I think up that we could go! Ah, well, nothing a little planning and organization can’t fix. 

Anyway, that’s what’s going on in our neck of the woods (in case Facebook isn’t enough for you 😉 And, while I’m a far cry from my “blog every weekend to catch up” goal, but hey, what can you do?

Until next time.