Gluten-Free Ramblings: Week 1

When I had initially written my first blog post on Gluten Free”, I sat on it for a few days before publishing. Not that I have a mass following, but I think it might post to facebook too, and that felt about as “putting yourself out there” as those dreams where you find yourself walking into class naked.  I wanted to be sure I was really on board with going GF and I felt like “putting it out there” would put it more in stone.


I actually felt really awkward about putting so much personal information out there and advertising it. Not immediately but more while I was out, away from my computer and couldn’t do squat about it.

Anyway….My mind has been through the wringer this past week. Tuesday, 9/16 was my first official “Gluten Free” day. I posted the blog the following Friday. In the mean time, my mind had gone every which way, up down and sideways, knowing it is what I need to do for my health but feeling a lot of guilt over the added expense it becomes to grocery shop (shout out to Aldi and their “LiveGFree” line- more on that later), guilt over new challenge I/we face while going out, and toss in a smidgen of self-pity mixed with “I have no idea what I am doing, I am seemingly now always ravenous, what the heck can I eat”, and it pretty much made a perfect storm of mental chaos. My mind was in complete “obsess” mode. I get a bit obsessey about food anyway if I have to think about what I am eating as it is, but I was a bit nervous this might push me a bit too far and I’d end up not quite where I wanted to be on that end as well.

Until last night. All of a sudden, my mind was at peace. Calm. Quiet. We were on a walk and I was there on a walk with the kids and my husband. Physically I was on that walk, mentally I was on that walk. I was there running, laughing, chasing, smiling, feeling and having fun. I haven’t felt really embedded into a moment and not distracted like that in a while.  I believe it was God giving me my answer. It was like the question (gf/no gf) no longer existed. The worry, stress and weight was gone. It will all get figured out as it needs to. So it’s done. And I am on board and contently so. Trying to ignore the Costco blueberry muffin calling my name in the cabinet.

This week on my Gluten Free journey, I have learned:
+ Aldi’s Gluten Free line (“Live Gfree”)  has yet to disappoint….granted all I have tried is the pizza dough, “Hot Pockets”,tortillas and pasta (could NOT taste the difference with sauce) .I made the pizza crust earlier in the week so I had something for pizza night. The box made 2 crusts. One I saved for pizza night, the other I have been using for bread with soup (Again with Aldi- their “Simply Nature” Lentil soup was quite tasty too!). My husband could not tell the difference between my crust and store-bought. I call it a success!! The tortillas I could tell were not the same as flour tortillas, but they still satisfied my shredded-colby-cheese-and-pepperoni-wrap addiction.
+Cooking: I am doing a bit more cooking than I was. I am trying to plan ahead (premade pizza crusts!) and get some of the things I can make ahead done during naptime. I am, thankfully, finding cooking relaxing again. At least this week. Thanks to my neighbor’s thoughtfulness, I now have an awesome GF cookbook holding the secret to making “Real Sandwich Bread”, “Old-Fashioned Birthday Cake” and “New York-Style Pizza”.
+ENERGY!!  I almost forgot- my energy has been improving. I am in no way complaining, and yes, I am knocking on wood for this one.
+Less stress (anxiety?)….I feel more calm and better able to take things that would normally test my patience with a lot less seriousness. I am more able to not “sweat the small stuff”. I feel nicer. Calmer.  More of the mom I want to be. My mind seems calmer and quieter too, helping me to stay “in the present”.
+There is a new sense of excitement when I look on the back of something and see “Naturally Gluten-Free” stamped right there, in all of its helpful glory. It’s like my soul smiles.
+I almost feel like I didn’t realize how bad I was feeling or how good I could feel until just very recently. Hopefully this continues.
+ I have some of the most supportive, encouraging and thoughtful friends on the planet!
+I am hoping to make my own breads and flours and what not. I think it makes more sense to do that than to spend $6 on a loaf of “bread” that I have heard mixed reviews about.
At the beginning of this journey, I did have some headaches. Sunday I didn’t have a chance to drink my coffee before church. That ended up being borderline migraine, so back to coffee I went in the afternoon. Glad I did. It’s pretty delicious. Day 4 and 5 I had hives, which I read was from the toxins (in this case, gluten?) trying to get out of your system. My medicine seemed to feel stronger for a day or two too, but thankfully that balanced itself out before the heart palpitations stayed and freaked me out. Then I stopped paying attention, figuring if something needed my attention it would jump out at me. I seem to have survived thus far.

I think what I really am most surprised about is the energy and patience. During the day, I am up and doing things during the kids’ naptime, not feeling like I need a mental (or physical) break. I ran again this week for the first time in far too long. I paid no attention to time or distance. Just ran to run. Even though I was on a treadmill, it felt so freeing. 33 weeks to the next Half Marathon. Hopefully I still feel this way when it is time to start training again.

So, that in a nutshell sums up week 1. Learning curve for sure, but it feels so much more do-able than it did. Between “One day at a time” and focusing on what I can have rather than what I can’t, I am starting to find my way.

Until next time!

Our Neck of the Woods

In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve got snow.  I so wish we could go sledding but it’s about 25*, with a windchill of about 13* according to A bit better than yesterday’s windchill of a measly 4*, but still a bit much for those under 3 I’d think. And the parents that have to accompany them in the great outdoors.

Today has given us a chance to just be lazy together, which is nice. I had to stop myself from declaring another pajama day because personally partaking in pajama days 2 days in a row just feels a bit too lazy. Even for me. 

Jeremy went to find some Xbox Kinect games for us at Blockbuster. Apparently we weren’t the only ones with this idea. There was zero game selection appropriate for children, so Noah has a few new DVD’s to add to his collection, and we have a movie for our date-night-in tonight. (For those of you who missed the Facebook status, the fire-in-the-fireplace-weekend-kick-off, did not so much happen last night.)

While the boys were napping, I got a chance to hop online and educate myself on streaming tv shows, movies (now that we have Xbox), and all things that are required to get rid of cable but still watch the same shows as the rest of modern society. I’m still not completely sure I am ready to take the plunge, but I haven’t completely discounted it either. I’m not big on TV other than (being as honest as Simon Cowell here…) Price Is Right (yes, I know…), the News, and maybe the occasional guilty-pleasure, completely mindless reality show (Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, Giuliana and Bill and let’s not forget American Idol). And, I am breathlessly awaiting the return of Army Wives. Seriously, I miss that show. A little Army Wives and a glass of wine on a Sunday night while the kids are in bed? I see nothing wrong with that.

Perhaps I’ll get a chance to get on Pinterest a little later and get my creativity wheels turning for things for the kids to do this next week. Goodness knows it’s going to be a busy one, though I am looking forward to catching up with some friends. Here’s hoping Jeremy’s work schedule will even out sooner rather than later and maybe we’ll even get a chance to get out of the house, see some friends, and perhaps join in a story time or two. Funny how when he carpooled with his brother to work every day and the car was home with me, I rarely ever used it. Now that he drives to work and I have no car, oh the places I think up that we could go! Ah, well, nothing a little planning and organization can’t fix. 

Anyway, that’s what’s going on in our neck of the woods (in case Facebook isn’t enough for you 😉 And, while I’m a far cry from my “blog every weekend to catch up” goal, but hey, what can you do?

Until next time.