Thankful for Elmo

Thankful for Elmo

I watch Noah and I can’t help but be incredibly amazed at how much he has grown and changed in the past 2 and a half years. He has become so fiercely independent with many skills, he is learning more every day and is just growing into such a fine young man it’s incredible. The expressions he says, the empathy he shows. His sense of humor. Sometimes I look at him and think “When did he turn 4?!” He makes me beam and he makes us beyond proud.
Anyway, I guess the point is that there are moments like that during our day. Then there are times that thankfully bring me back and put into perspective just how innocent and young he still is. His “B.B” that has faithfully been his comfy blankie since he was a baby passed down from me. It’s cute to see him embrace it the way that he does. His cars he likes to take to his bed with him. Adorably and innocently mispronouncing words. Another example watching a show like Sesame Street and seeing the genuine joy he gets from Elmo and his sense of humor. The little kid things like that that make him light up. Seeing him happy makes me happy. The way he’s not yet embarrassed to give his mom a hug and a kiss. It’s these moments of innocence that will start to fade out in the coming years, to be replaced by what the real world makes of you when you grow up. That will come far sooner than I’m willing to admit. I just never knew or realized how thankful I would be for a little red friendly monster named Elmo.